This policy has been suspended for all registered members until further notice


I have noticed over a period of time that we have members that just join the Forum, don't make any posts, download what they want and never hear from them again.

Additionally, there are members that are not that active, maybe just want to ask a question from time to time, nothing wrong with that, but don't really make any big contribution to the Forum by means of posting. For these reasons I am going to put in place policies, anything from not having any download rights, delaying the start of a download according to the number of posts and of course unrestricted.

When in the actual Forum itself, you can see on the left side of the Forum you have an Avatar, it might be the default one or it could be one you have uploaded. Above that, you have your Username and below the Avatar you have whether the Member is Online, Away, Offline etc, then Members Ranking which is ranked as Follows:


Level Graphic Posts Download Limit Download Speed  Start Delay
New Member New Member 0 - 19 No Restriction 256kb/sec 240 Seconds
Junior Member Junior Member 20 - 39 No Restriction 512kb/sec 180 Seconds
Senior Member Senior Member 40 - 79 No Restriction 1mb/sec 120 Seconds
Premium Member Premium Member 80 - 159 No Restriction No Restriction 90 Seconds
Elite Member Elite Member 160 - 319 No Restriction No Restriction 60 Seconds
Platnium Member Platinum Member 320+ No Restriction No Restriction 30 Seconds
Administrator Administrator N/A No Restriction No Restriction  
Moderator Moderator N/A No Restriction No Restriction  
Spammer Spammer N/A Get a Life! Very Long Start Delay 1 File/Month 10kb/sec  
Banned Banned N/A No chance! No Access whatsoever N/A  



When reaching Platnium Member there is a 30 second delay for downloads which can be removed if you have a Signature setup and are no longer using the default Avatar. The Signature is quite important as it helps other Members give a more informed response to posts you have made.

Upgrades to the next level are NOT automatic and must be applied for either by messaging me or emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The restrictions are not set in stone and therefore can be changed for members that have a proven track record by means of discussion/contribution within the Forum.

In addition Uploads can be arranged for Projects or Files that are considered appropriate and worth sharing with other members, just let me know and I will see what can be done.


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