You can find the instruction in the PDF below, thanks to Ignazio Vizzini from the Italian Megan IV Facebook group. (
There's nothing special in the procedure, except having in mind you can't skip the step V7-V8. So, once the dealer's garage has updated to the buggy and slow V7 (at least it was my case), you can update to V8 by only inserting the flash drive and then once more the same to V9. V9 is much less latent and fast to navigate though I'm with but my laziness and lack of spare time is the reason I'm not with RLink yet. Keep in mind, all the maps are deleted by the update. You have to reinstall them by yourself. Another thing is you have to install the original set first and then try to upload a custom set. The road signs (.fda files) are no longer possible to be added to the custom sets and an error appears if they're present in the map set you're trying to upload. After update to V9.0.34.610 I found two issues. First one is the sound of the radio sometime goes quiet, mainly when the beeping of the parking sensor start and then it stays low until the RLink or the engine are restarted. Don't know if it has something to do with the software, but it was not present before and is very random. Second issue is sometimes when searching for gas stations along the route, the menu is grayed out. Have not figured a pattern yet. I hope that with the upgrade to 35 this would be gone, but still not done it as all the procedure would last about 15 minutes for the software, 2 hours for the maps and 10 minutes of settings and reentering Favorite addresses.
- Instructions
RLink - unlock modified maps storage - restore original state